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‘Good God, SERIOUSLY?’ Minnie Driver calls out ‘tone deaf’ ex…
Besides, those reserves should be squirreled away against possible further downturns. That’s because the real danger here is the high degree of uncertainty at the heart of the projection.…
Baby-bottle service! DJ Khaled’s one-year-old son Asahd accompanies his famous…
Besides, those reserves should be squirreled away against possible further downturns. That’s because the real danger here is the high degree of uncertainty at the heart of the projection.…
Perpres 82 Tahun 2018 Sempurnakan Payung Hukum JKN-KIS
Pangkalpinang– Menuju akhir tahun 2018, kehadiran Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 82 Tahun 2018 membawa angin segar bagi implementasi Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional-Kartu…